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Promoting resilience and encouraging children to become the best possible version of themselves.


Well done to our brilliant pupils. For the third year running our children achieved above national in GLD (EYFS) and combined Reading, Writing and Maths at Key Stage 2. (July 2024) Click here to view our data.

A very warm welcome to The Meadow Community Primary School and Pre-School, which is a part of the multi-academy, Symphony Learning Trust.

We are very proud of our very successful school, which has been at the heart of the Wigston community, educating local children for many years. 2023 sees the school celebrate its 50th birthday!

At The Meadow we have our own pre-school which takes children from two to four years of age, through local authority funded places and through parent paid places. Our primary school has  capacity for 420 children from the ages of four to eleven.

Is your child starting school in Autumn 2025? We still have a few spaces.

If you've changed your mind or still haven't applied for a place, don't worry - it's not too late!


Meadow Way, Wigston,
Leicester, LE18 3QZ


0116 288 7227
