Absences can be reported by telephone (0116 2887227) or through the Weduc app.
We are required to keep detailed attendance records giving reasons for any absences from school. Please make sure that you inform us as soon as possible if your child will not be attending school for any reason. Any absence which is unexplained will be recorded as an unauthorised absence, all of which are recorded and sent to the Department for Education on an annual basis.
Authorising an absence
Only the school can authorise absence. We will authorise absence for:-
- Sickness
- Unavoidable medical/dental appointments
- Exceptional circumstances
We will not authorise absence for:-
- Family holidays
- Frequent absences attributed to minor ailments but not supported by medical evidence
- Looking after the house/siblings or sick parents
- Shopping trips
- Birthday treats
- Day trips (e.g. theatre trips)/ extended weekend breaks
- Visits to see family
From September 2013, the Government decided that schools would no longer be able to authorise holidays taken during term time, apart from in ‘exceptional circumstances’.
Legally, we have no choice but to send the information to the County Attendance Officer regarding unauthorised holidays. Please note that the Local Authority will fine parents who have an unauthorised holiday, not the school, and the Local Authority keeps the fine payment, it does not go to school funds.
Each school year consists of 38 weeks for the children during which they work very hard and if they miss any time from school it will affect their learning.