Year 2
The teachers in Year 2 are Mrs Richardson and Mrs Kaur.
Our Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Novak, Mrs Dawson, Miss Dobbs, Mrs Fudge and Mrs Nicholls
This term we will be looking at:
In Maths this term we will continue to practice and improve our knowledge of the four rules. We will be looking at 2D and 3D shapes and develop our reasoning skills.
In English this term we will be basing our work on class books including The Lonely Beast and Vlad and the Florence Nightingale Adventure.
In Science we will be investigating what things plants and animals need to survive and thrive and then investigating what things, a plant needs to grow healthily. We will also be identifying and naming the parts of a plant.
In Geography we will be comparing weather and landscape features of Kenya and the UK. We will also be looking at different animals and related aspects such as tourism.
In History we will think about what Florence Nightingale achieved during her life and the impact she had on modern medicine.
In Art we will create animal heads of animals on safari and paint them thinking about the colour and shape of the head.
In DT will explore the moving parts of a wheeled vehicle and evaluate different ways of fabricating these. We will then use learnt skills to plan, create and evaluate a wheeled vehicle.
In PHSE we will discuss belonging to a group and the roles and responsibilities that come with that. We will also discuss being the same and different in the community. We will also discuss the internet in everyday life and online content and information.
In RE we will consider the question, how should we care for others and the world, and why does it matter? We will think about ways in which we can look after others and our world and how religions encourage people to do this.
In Music we will learn songs based on the lives of famous people through history and learn, rehearse and perform songs which tell the story of the Great Fire. We will explore using instruments to accompany. and compose own songs. Following this we will explore tuned and untuned instruments, compose, rehearse, perform and evaluate musical performances. Sing songs in unison and in two parts.
In outdoor PE we will develop passing and receiving, control, spacial awareness and techniques such as dodging and marking. We will then develop and extend techniques using a tennis racket and cricket bat. Develop under arm and over arm throwing techniques.
During indoor PE we will copy, repeat, combine and create movements in response to input. Create sequences and work with a partner in unison and cannon. Evaluate their own work. Following this we will develop jumping and throwing skills. Selecting skills to complete a task. Repeat modelled techniques. Evaluate their own work.
Homework is comprised of ongoing activities - reading, spellings, telling the time and times tables rockstars. If further specific homework is set, it will be given out on Thursdays, along with the spellings, normally to be handed in the following Monday along with reading books.